
3DP: 3D Printing

BS: British Standard

CAD: Computer Aided Design

CAE: Computer Aided Engineering

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacture

CATIA V5: Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application Version 5

CBD: Circuit Board Design

CDR: Chassis Dynamics Rig (commonly known as 8 post rig)

CEng: Chartered Engineer

Company: Ensevo Limited

CPE: Composite Part Engineering

DFMEA: Design Failure Mode & Effect Analysis

DMU: Digital Mock-Up

DSE: Digitized Shape Editor

EL: Ensevo Limited

ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning

FDM: Fused Deposition Modelling

FEA: Finite Element Analysis

FEM: Finite Element Method

FIA: Federation Internationale de l’Automobile

FMEA: Failure Mode & Effect Analysis

FTA: Functional Tolerancing & Annotation

GD&T: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing

GSA: Generative Structural Analysis

GSD: Generative Shape Design

IGES: International Graphics Exchange

ISO: International Standards Organization

K&C: Kinematics & Compliance

LCA: Life Cycle Application

MEng: Master of Engineering

MIMechE: Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers

PAS: Power Assisted Steering

PDM: Product Data Management

PLM: Product Lifecycle Management

R&D: Research & Development

RP: Rapid Prototyping

SAP: Systems, Applications & Products (SAP SE)

SL: Stereo Lithography

SLS: Selective Laser Sintering

STL: Solid Transfer Language

TKM: Tal-Ko Motori

VPM: Virtual Product Model